- OVM Post-tensioning System
- Nuclear Power and LNG Engineering Applications
- Assembled Connection Technology for Prefabricated Piers
- Multi-strand Stay Cable System Solutions for Cable-stayed Bridge
- Cable System Solutions for Extradosed Bridge
- Parallel Wire Stay Cable System(PWS) for Cable Stayed Bridge
- Sulotions of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials for Post-tensioning System
- Cable System Solutions for Arch Bridge
- External Post-tensioning System Solutions
- Bridge Anti-seismic Solutions
- Expansion Joints Solution System
- Building Anti-seismic Solutions
- Structural Inspection and Reinforcement System Solutions
- Lifting, Pushing, or Rotating of Overweight Structure
- Underground Space - shield Tunneling, Foundation Pit Support Equipment and Systems Solutions
- Structural Inspection and Reinforcement System Solutions
OVM External Prestressing Systems
OVM External Prestressing Systems
- Conform to the following international recommendations and Chinese national standards:
fib33 Durability of Post-tensioning Tendons
ASTRA 12 010
EAD 160004-0310 Post-tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures
fib75 Polymer-Duct Systems for Internal Boned Post-tensiong
PTI M50.3-19 Specification for Multistrand and Grouted Post-tensioning
FDOT 2022 Florida Department of Transportation FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction
- Durable, with excellent anti-corrosive and anti-gatigue properties. The damping device can be equipped to reduce the tendon vibration.
- Easy to inspect and maintain, and is replaceable.
- The individual strand deviator can reduce the stress concentration at deviating area
Basic Components of OVM External Prestressing Systems
The basic components of external prestressing system include:
- External cables, ducts and grouting materials
- Anchorage system
- Deviating device
- Anti-corrosion system
- Damping device
Learn more about our product systems
Liuzhou OVM Machinery Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-772-3116402
Website: www.ovm.cn
E-mail: sales@ovm.cn
Address: No.1 Yanghui Road, Liuzhou, Guangxi, 545006, P.R.China.