Sulotion of carbon fiber reinforced composite materials for post-tensioning system

Through a series of key technological innovations, the carbon fiber reinforcedcomposite materials for post-tensioning system has overcome issues such as poorshear resistance, dificult anchoring, and inadequate fire resistance. This hassignificantly enhanced the durability of the prestressed system, leading to itswidespread application in areas such as bridges, buildings, soil and rock anchors, andexcavation support systems. lt has propelled the industrialization of carbon fiberreinforced composite materials for post-tensioning system in civil engineering.


· The material is corrosion-resistant and exhibits exceptional fatigueresistance, ensuring the durability and safety of bridges. lt serves as asubstitute for steel cables in the future, which will help reduce the overalllife-cycle maintenance costs of bridges;
· The material is lightweight and strong (weighing one-fifth of steel but with1.5 times the strength), making it an effective solution for future large-spanbridges and reducing transportation and construction costs;

· It has a low coefficient of thermal expansion (1/20 ofsteel), addressing theissue of significant temperature-induced deformation in bridges;

· The material has excellent elasticity and a wide elastic range, making itsuitable for resolving seismic or other deformations.

Completed Experiments

Application cases 

Prestressed Carbon Fiber Plate Anchorage System

Qingdao Haikou Road Bridge over Feng River

Qingdao Fenghuang Mountain Road Feng River Bridge

· Carbon fiber cables with a load capacity of thousands oftons passed 10million fatigue tests and post-fatigue static load tests, with a stress limit of45% of Fptk, stress range of 200MPa, and static load anchoring efficiencycoefficient ≥0.95.
· Completed 50 cycles of 40%-80%low-cycle load tests and static loadtests for carbon fiber cables with a load capacity of two thousand tons, witha static load anchoring efficiency coefficient >0.95.

· Completed static water tightness tests and dynamic water tightness testsfor carbon fiber cables after fatigue, meeting the requirements of JT/T775.2016 standard.
· Carbon fiber cables were exposed to temperatures above 1100° C for morethan 30 minutes without failure.

Sichuan-Tibet Railway Slope Engineering Project

The Changchun-Shenzhen Expressway Project Air
-Supported Structure

Xi'an Fengyi Bridge